As a supplement to the search result, bookable text advertisements are shown in a column to the right of and partly above the actual search results. At Google, the product is called Google Ads. Search engine advertising (SEA) is marked accordingly and highlighted by design elements such as a background color. SEA systems are a. available on Google “Google Ads”, Microsoft Network “Bing Ads” and Yahoo “Yahoo Search Marketing”
Here’s how we do your sales with SEA:
1. Rebuild the Google Ads account
The structure of the Google AdWords account or the reorganization of the Google AdWords campaigns is divided into the following main points:
• Structure of the campaign structure based on the products to be advertised
A separate campaign is set up for each category
keyword Research
– Search for search terms
– Research negative search terms
Organization of the search terms in ad groups and a granular campaign structure to achieve high quality (Google Quality Score)
Creation of advertising texts with at least two advertising texts per ad group, in order to subsequently test different customer approaches and to continuously improve the quality of the advertising texts
• Set up the Google AdWords accountos
Import the campaign structure into the Google AdWords account and create all necessary settings
– Geographical targeting separate control per federal state
– Set bids per keyword (CPC)
A start bid is stored for each keyword, which is continuously adjusted during the campaign, depending on the respective performance. Further bid adjustments (bid layer) for the advertising material deliveries (after evaluation + ongoing adjustments):
– on desktop PCs, mobile devices and on tablets
– separated by day of the week
– according to the demographics of the target group (age, gender)
Keyword match types: the search terms are booked with different match types. This has a huge impact on campaign impressions and clicks.
Possible match types are:
– Broad (broadly appropriate)
– Broad match modified
– Phrase (word group)
– Exact (exactly fitting)
Additional measures
– Creation of sitelink extensions (linked additional information for each ad text)
– Creation of call-out extensions (additional information about the ad texts, but without additional links)
– Creation of call extensions (if desired)
– Creation of snippet extensionsn
– Generate required codes (conversion tracking, remarketing)
– Creation of tracking templates for tracking AdWords
2. Ongoing optimization of SEA activities
The performance of the SEA campaigns is monitored and optimized in order to continuously improve the performance achieved thereby. At the same time, the efficiency of the SEA activities will be increased mainly by the number of leads and orders generated and the costs per lead (CPL = cost per lead) or orders (CPO = cost per order). A / B tests of different customer approaches are also carried out in order to continuously improve the performance of the created advertising texts. In addition, best practices (new Google applications) that have already proven themselves will be introduced in the SEA campaigns.
3. Goals:
3.1. Increase traffic on customer landing pages. Here, however, the focus is also on the quality of the traffic generated via Google. Evaluation as desired from the customer’s internal website analysis tools or with Google Analytics.
3.2. Increasing the reach of the customer at Google by improving the visibility at Google based on the topic and page structure of customer landing pages. The exact focal points are to be defined together with the customer on the basis of the briefing.
3.3. Increase in leads and sales of the customer’s products advertised via Google Ads. Targeted acquisition of users who are interested in the products. By continually optimizing SEA activities, the costs per visitor, per lead and per order on the website should also be constantly reduced.
4. Schedule:
In order to achieve the customer’s targets, the Google AdWords campaign structure is created when an order is placed with an agreed date. Then the ongoing optimization of Google AdWords campaigns starts.